Outpatient Rehab

Are you considering treatment in an outpatient rehab facility? This article explains exactly what it entails.

If you’re an addict and want to withdraw from drugs or alcohol, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the options available to you. For example, there’s detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab and there is sober living. Which program do you start with?

What Is Outpatient Rehab?

When you go to outpatient rehab, you don’t live in the facility as you would do in inpatient treatment. This means you can continue to live at home while you take part in your rehab program.

This is great for people who have responsibilities such as going to work, going to school, or looking after children. While you should certainly consider inpatient rehab if it’s possible for you to go, sometimes, it simply isn’t feasible.

Since you have more independence when you attend outpatient drug rehab, you’ll need to be sufficiently motivated to complete the program. If you have a history of relapse, outpatient rehab might not be a suitable program for you. If you’re committed to your recovery, you’ll find that outpatient rehab centers can work very well for treating your addiction.

There are many different kinds of outpatient rehab. Which one you choose to attend depends on a variety of factors.


Day Programs

Outpatient day programs offer the highest and most intensive levels of care. At an outpatient day program, you can expect to go to meetings five to seven days per week.

Generally, you’ll spend at least a few hours at a time in the facility. Not only will you participate in ongoing therapy, but you’ll also attend group counseling. You may also take part in other types of therapies, such as art or music therapy.

Sometimes, you can live at home and return there after every session. But you can also live in a sober living home. A sober living home is a place where you’ll live with other ex-addicts.

In a sober living home, your living situation is highly regulated. Being intoxicated or in possession of drugs or alcohol is not tolerated on the premises. This makes it a great option if you’re worried about relapsing.

Intensive Outpatient Program

When you attend an intensive outpatient program (IOP), you create a treatment plan that has measurable milestones in place. Initially, you’ll spend a lot of time trying to meet the first of these milestones.

After you start to reach your goals, the number of hours per week that the program requires decreases. This is a great option if you’re serious about quitting alcohol and drugs but you need to see to your responsibilities.

For example, it’s possible to attend an IOP program while working or going to school. On average, you can expect to attend multiple sessions each week for a few hours each time.

Continuing Care

When you’ve successfully completed your rehab program, it often doesn’t make sense to stop getting support completely.

As you adjust to sober living, you’ll likely feel tempted to drink or use drugs. This is why it’s important to attend continuing care meetings. These are groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

Continuing care can keep supporting you in your sobriety months or even years after you initially complete rehab. If you’ve just completed a rehab program, you might feel like you’ve beaten your addictions and don’t need any continuing care.

However, completing rehab is just the first step. When the satisfaction of getting sober starts to fade, you might develop an interest in using drugs or alcohol again. This is why it’s vital you attend continuing care, even if you feel like you don’t need it.

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab

There are many benefits to choosing outpatient rehab. Generally, this kind of treatment is recommended if you have mild to moderate addiction issues. If you have extreme addiction issues, you should probably go to inpatient rehab rather than outpatient rehab.

Another plus point for outpatient rehabilitation is it’s more affordable than an inpatient program. Since it’s possible to live at home, you won’t have to pay for your living facilities as you would for inpatient rehab.

Inpatient rehab can get very expensive, as you might be simultaneously paying for rehab and rent for your home. On top of that, when you attend inpatient rehab, you’re unable to earn any money through working. If money is right, outpatient rehab makes more sense.

Enjoy Flexibility

Another great thing about outpatient treatment is the treatment program is very flexible to your needs. For example, if you’re attending school, your rehab treatment can be adapted to your school timetable.

If you feel like you can’t put your responsibilities on hold for a while, or feel like you can’t go without seeing your family, outpatient rehab could be for you. If you have close ties with your family, outpatient treatment might be the better choice. Family support is emphasized in outpatient treatment, whereas in inpatient treatment, you won’t see your family as much.

Choosing the Right Facility

Choosing the right facility can make all the difference when it comes to becoming sober. If you’re not sure which kind of treatment facility would be best for you, you should consider contacting a recovery professional. A recovery professional can listen to your personal situation and make an expert recommendation as to what kind of treatment would be best for you.

Take the First Step Towards Outpatient Rehab

Addicts often say that taking the first step towards recovery is the most difficult one. Once you’ve contacted a professional and started your treatment program, you’ll get the help and support you need to successfully withdraw from drugs or alcohol.

If you have the determination and drive to succeed, outpatient rehab is a flexible and affordable way to get sober and turn your life around.

Do you think your loved one may be addicted to drugs or alcohol? Then read about the signs and symptoms of addiction.